Battle Of the Sexes

Movie 🎥 Review: "Battle of the Sexes". Critics gave it an 84% users a 76%.

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I don't think they could have casted two better look-a-like characters than Emma Stone and Steve Carell as Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs.

I was 23 years old when this battle took place and take it from me, there wasn't a magazine, news paper, radio or TV show that didn't play this tennis match up as the event of the decade (1973).

The movie focuses on the back story, things that weren't published like social media can do today. It's a tennis movie that really works, providing heartache, grandstanding, passion and a reality then that is still relevant today.

The battle of the rackets lives up to the old saying 'He who lives by the sword.....dies by the sword"

MovieMike Kealey