Hunter Killer

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Movie 🎥 Review: “Hunter Killer". Critics gave it a 36% the users an 89%. Rated: R with a running time of 2hrs and an IMDb of 6.6/10. Main Cast:  Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman and Common.

American submarine Captain Joe Glass is on the hunt for a U.S. sub in distress in the Arctic Ocean. He soon learns that a secret Russian coup is in the offing, a conspiracy that threatens to dismantle the world order. With crew and country on the line, Glass must assemble an elite group of Navy SEALs to sneak through enemy waters, rescue the kidnapped Russian president and prevent World War III.

For me this was one of the best sub-marine movies I’ve seen in a long time. The film's second half kicks into gear and plays out like a carnival thrill ride. I enjoyed it more than the likes of "Crimson Tide" or "The Hunt for Red October."

I was thoroughly entertained and on the edge of my seat as the film ramped up (reference the users 89% review). It’s loaded with testosterone and plenty of twisting and turning action scenes.

MovieMike Kealey